No Distinctions Between People

Whether you can understand Creole (the language of Haiti) or not, you can sense passion in the voice of Andrina Lundy. You can see it in her eyes and hand gestures. This is her hope: One day, all Haitians will see that they are brothers and sisters—and not mistreat each other, but respect one another’s rights.

With little infrastructure in Haiti, education is an afterthought for many people, especially girls. In the city, about 25 percent of girls may get an education. In the rural parts of Haiti, it is only about two percent.

With virtually no consequences for sexual assault, about half of the girls in the poorest areas of Haiti have been raped. There is simply no one to report the assault to who will do anything about it.

Living in a country where these facts are a given, it is a delight to meet a young woman who is hopeful about her future--and whose hope is found in Christ. Andrina Lundy has pursued education and now, feels called by God to be a leader in the church.

The idea of women leading in ministry has been a recent development in Haiti. “Little by little,” Andrina said, “the doors are opening for women, but it is slow. Like a turtle.”

Andrina feels called to ministry, especially in the areas of preaching and teaching. She is in her third year at the Church of the Nazarene Seminary in Port-au-Prince. Like Bernadette and Keda, the other two women seminary students I interviewed, Andrina is also being sponsored through the help of the Haiti Partners Micah Scholar program.

Please join me in praying for these women and their future work on behalf of the church. If you are so inclined, join me in supporting a seminary student through Haiti Partners. 

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

 1 Peter 2:9 (NRSV)